
FFS Event in Amsterdam, May 2024

Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS) represents a significant step in the journey of self-realization for many transgender individuals. It goes beyond mere physical transformation, serving as a pivotal milestone in aligning one’s external appearance with their internal identity.

To help you embark on this transformative journey, Facialteam is bringing their expertise to Amsterdam in May 2024!

Our team in Amsterdam

Our surgeons and FFS Specialists Dr. Daniel Simon and Dr. Ángel Penedo will be attending the event along with other Facialteam team members such as our patient coordinators Carmen and Laura, and our Community Manager Lilia Koss.

Additionally to the orientation sessions with Dr. Simon and Dr. Penedo, we will be guiding FFS Peer Group sessions which are an opportunity for a round-table discussion with experienced FFS patients and others considering surgery to share concerns, insights and network with other community members at the same stage of transition. When? Monday from 9:30 to 16:30.

Facialteam is also hosting the 1st Gender Affirming Health Forum with Experts in TGD Care on Monday, 13th May 2024 with the support of several organizations from the Netherlands.

1st Gender Affirming Health Forum

If you are starting to look into gender transition options, the Forum will be ideal to get a variety of expert advice from both dedicated care providers as well as people who have a story to tell

You will come out equipped with a better understanding of what different gender-affirming services are available, with many questions answered and better prepared for any future consultations you may seek.

There is a lot to think about, so join us and bring your questions. Remember, your friends and family are more than welcome too!

Facialteam 1st Gender Affirming Health Forum in Amsterdam on May 2024

The Forum is an initiative of Facialteam, with roots in similar congresses in Australia since 2015 aimed at bringing together specialists in Gender Affirming Healthcare to raise visibility of the sector but primarily to attend to the needs of women in transition without straightforward access to quality care by local professionals.

To contribute to the growth of the gender-affirming healthcare sector, which is evolving rapidly but still not readily available in all countries. Those navigating their gender-affirming journey will benefit from an educational orientation process that helps them weigh the current options and to feel more empowered while making important healthcare decisions and researching which experienced professionals are right for them. 

The Gender-Affirming Health Forum is an interactive community event which has been developed so that people navigating their own gender transition may access more in-depth information, meet select international providers and also connect with others in the community who share the same journey. 

Forum Preliminary Schedule

*Subject to change

  • 10.30 Welcome Address by Solange Dekker
  • 11.00 FFS – Dr. Daniel Simon and Dr. Ángel Penedo
  • 12.00 Voice – Barbara van Olffen and Esther Miske from Logopedie Flevoland 
  • 12:30 Social Break
  • 13.00 PsyTrans – (Un)expected emotions during FFS; Peaks and Valleys – Eva-Marijn Stegemann
  • 13.30 Clemens De Vreeze, GenderCare – A Social Worker’s National & International Approach to FGAS
  • 14:00 Annabel Markesteign, Transhealth Advocate of Transvisie & Client Support Expert of PsyTrans – “Gender-Affirming Facial Surgery and Insurance: How difficult can it be?”   
  • 14:30 Every scar is a tell – Micropigmentation for postsurgical skin improvement Lisa Lefever
  • 15:00 Q&A Panel
  • 15:30 Closing remarks, Solange Dekker
  • 16:00 Networking Coffee-Break

FFS Peer Group Discussions

With this upcoming event, we aim to reach out to the transgender community here, offering our expertise and support.

FFS Peer Group sessions offer a unique and supportive platform for individuals navigating Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS). These sessions provide a valuable opportunity for a round-table discussion where individuals who have undergone FFS share their experiences and insights with those who are contemplating or preparing for the surgery.

If Your Loved One Needs to Socially Transition Facialteam blog image

These gatherings aim to create a sense of community and solidarity among individuals at various stages of their FFS journey.

Participants not only have the chance to learn from the firsthand experiences of seasoned FFS patients but also to connect with others who are facing similar challenges and milestones.

The peer group setting encourages the exchange of practical tips, emotional support, and constructive feedback, facilitating a deeper understanding of the physical and emotional aspects of the FFS process.

Whether you are contemplating FFS or have already embarked on this transformative journey, the FFS Peer Group sessions provide a space for authentic dialogue, fostering connections that extend beyond the sessions themselves.

Details of the Upcoming Amsterdam Orientations

Our in-person orientations will be held on Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th, May 2024. These sessions offer an opportunity for individuals to have a one-on-one discussion with our expert team. Here, potential patients can:

  • have their questions and concerns addressed;
  • obtain professional clinical photos;
  • begin to form a personalized treatment plan.

They will provide valuable information about traveling from the Netherlands to Spain for the surgery, and other necessary preparations for the journey.

To register for the event, please visit our event page. Exact details of the location will be shared after booking the consultation to ensure a safe environment for everyone.