Charlotte W

Frontal picture taken from Charlotte W before surgery
Frontal picture taken from Charlotte W after surgery
Picture taken from the side of Charlotte W before surgery
Picture taken from the side of Charlotte W after surgery
This picture was taken 2 years after surgery.
Charlotte W
Age 38
Country United Kingdom
Category Immediate Post-Op
This picture was taken 2 years after surgery.

“It’s just about two years since I had FFS. I’m very happy with my results! I think Facialteam are amazing to do what they did with my face. FFS is invaluable for combating any facial dysphoria someone might have.”

Charlotte W’s Story

Several years ago, Charlotte W approached Facialteam to discuss the possibilities for facial feminization surgery with our team of surgeons. Charlotte W is a 38 year old patient who traveled from United Kingdom to have a consultation with our surgeons to evaluate her facial features and come up with the right selection of facial feminization procedures, completely personalized for Charlotte W. Based on her goals and the recommendations from our surgical team we came up with the following treatment plan:

Charlotte W considered the area around her eyes had masculine traits and expressed her interest in a brow bone reduction, part of the process of feminizing the forehead region. Forehead feminization procedures at Facialteam aim to achieve a significant and specific change in the expression around the eyes, the ultimate goal of our FOREContour® method is to approximate the original contours and position of the facial bone and eyebrows, before hormones caused changes in puberty.

Feminization of the jaw was recommended to modify the size and shape of the mandibular body to have a more feminine appearance. The stereotypical female jaw exhibits a series of characteristics that commonly influence gender recognition, especially when combined with other social constructs associated with femininity, hence, this is a procedure that is often recommended for patients. With chin feminization the height, width and projection of the chin can be harmonized, all of them give the face a more typically feminine appearance.

To emphasize the cheeks and make Charlotte W’s eyes appear larger, a feminizing rhinoplasty was recommended. As the central feature of the face, a more feminine nose often is key for the global result of facial feminization surgery. Nose feminization is often combined with a forehead reconstruction to create a smooth transition from the brow bone to the nose.

Just like the majority of trans women who have been through puberty, Charlotte W considered feminizing the area of the neck by reducing the size of the Adam’s Apple. Our method TContour® allows us to achieve natural and safe results in trachea shaves, with a less visible Adam’s Apple as a result.

Shortly after her surgery, Charlotte W sent us a written testimonial to express how she experienced her journey with Facialteam. We love to hear from our patients and try to share all these lovely words with our audience as it can greatly help other patients that are considering facial feminization surgery as well.

We also invited Charlotte W for an interview to understand better how she experienced her surgery with Facialteam and how Facial Feminization Surgery changed her life.

Hearing these stories from our patients is emotional but really makes our work worth it!

Do you want to speak with an FFS Surgeon?

Speak with a highly experienced FFS surgeon who, after a careful revision of your facial features, will recommend which procedures are right for you. A consultation with our team will help clarify any questions or doubts you may have.