
Gender Affirming Voice Therapy, Tips and Exercises

Gender affirming voice training, when dedicated and diligent, helps people make dramatic changes to the way they sound. An important component of voice training is understanding and knowing how to take care of your vocal cords. Mtf voice surgery may seem like the easy way to the voice you desire, but this is not always the case. 

Leading otolaryngologists specializing in voice feminization surgeries agree that it’s imperative to have voice therapy before vocal cord surgery or pitch raising surgery. They even recommend specific voice therapy exercises after surgery which you must practice.  

The potential side effects after voice surgery that voice therapy may help with are strain, decreased vocal fold closure and resulting breathiness. This is why it is important to consider training with an experienced voice professional in the matter, not only post op but also pre-op.

What is less known is that when planning what is sometimes referred to as “voice feminization surgery,” voice training can help you get the most out of the surgery results. Learning with a speech pathologist will help you become better informed of how surgery can change different aspects of the voice–and other aspects it simply does not.

If you are planning on having an Adam’s apple reduction (tracheal shave) and voice feminization surgery, keep voice training in mind. Also, it is important to plan the order of events according to the recommendations of the specialists.

My authentic voice

Developing an authentic-sounding voice that aligns with one’s gender identity and gender expression is a goal for many trans, nonbinary, and gender-nonconforming people. Speech-language pathologists and voice coaches can play an important role in helping their clients discover a voice that feels affirming and empowering.

However, it’s important to be aware that attempting to change your voice without professional guidance can lead to damage to the vocal folds (also known as vocal cords) and the surrounding musculature. In order to prevent injury and achieve optimal voice production, I suggest following these vocal health tips.

Tip #1 Drink lots of water

The vibrating outer tissue of the vocal cords requires hydration in order to vibrate efficiently. Vocal cords that are well-hydrated are also less likely to get hurt from extended voice use.

Alcohol and caffeine are dehydrating substances which dry out the vocal cords and lead to irritation and hoarseness. If you decide to have a glass of wine or cup of coffee, just make sure to replenish with water.

I recommend around 6-8 glasses of water per day.

Tip #2 Quit or reduce smoking

If you are wanting a higher or lighter voice, smoking will do the opposite. Smoking irritates and dehydrates your vocal cord tissues, resulting in a decrease in range and damage to the oral cavity, larynx, and respiratory system.

If you smoke marijuana, consider consuming edibles as a healthier alternative for your voice.

Tip #3 Safe ways of coughing & throat clearing

Excessive coughing and throat clearing can lead to vocal cord damage, because when you perform these acts your vocal cords slam together. If you feel the need to cough or clear your throat, there are safe and even more feminine ways of doing so.

  • Coughing
    Before a cough, gently hum (mmm) at your target pitch. Target pitch will vary based upon the individual, but a good starting point is the note E3 (165 Hz). This ensures that you will maintain a feminine pitch before even initiating your cough. Try to make the sound “eh-heh-eh-heh” short in duration, several in sequence. Widening the lips in a smile posture will also assist the sound coming out as lighter and brighter.
  • Throat clearing
    Instead of clearing your throat, try taking a sip of water. If you still feel the urge to clear your throat, hum at your target pitch (mmm), gently clear your throat, and continue to hum.

In addition to vocal health, proper breath support and relaxation strategies aid in reducing muscle tension around the larynx. When the body, mind, and breath are connected, this helps facilitate an increase in range and a healthy, authentic sounding voice.

The exercises below will also have a double benefit in alleviating tension that you may feel around the time of your surgical intervention with Facialteam.

Exercises to control your Feminine Voice

In addition to vocal health, proper breath support and relaxation strategies aid in reducing muscle tension around the larynx. When the body, mind, and breath are connected, this helps facilitate an increase in range and a healthy, authentic sounding voice.

The exercises I will introduce will also have a double benefit in alleviating tension that you may feel around the time of your surgical intervention with Facialteam.

  1. Sit comfortably in a chair with your spine lengthened and your feet grounded to the floor. Your hips and knees should be at a 90-degree angle. Put one hand on your chest and the other on your belly. Take 3 slow deep breaths.
  2. If you felt your shoulders or hand on your chest moving as you were breathing, this is known as chest or clavicular breathing. This can lead to muscle tension and give your voice a less powerful sound when speaking.
    When doing this breathing exercise, the goal is for your hand on your chest to stay nice and steady. Your lower hand on your belly should rise and fall with your inhales and exhales.
  3. Inhale through your nose on the count of 3. Let the air flow down expanding the belly.
    Exhale through pursed lips on the count of 6. Let go of all the air and feel your hand on your belly move closer in.
  4. Try repeating this sequence 3 times. It may also help doing this exercise while laying down.

Like the breathing exercise? Watch Facialteam’s video tutorial on relaxation breathing exercises recommend to manage nerves whenever you may need.

I hope you found these tips helpful! They can be done in preparation for facial feminization surgery or during your postop recovery. You got this!

For tips on getting moving after FFS Surgery, read our post by voice expert and speech pathologist Christie Block on facial exercises.

Voice training with Kai & Jordan

In addition to the tips mentioned in this blog, you can check out our livestream on YouTube, where Jordan talks about the importance of gender-affirming voice training and teaches exercises related to pitch, resonance, and intonation. 

He will also be joined by his client Kai, so you can hear directly from someone who is going through the process of gender-affirming voice training.

In the meantime, have a listen to Jordan’s podcast for GenderGP where he explains more about his philosophy on finding your authentic voice, not the one gender norms dictate.


Adler, R. K., Hirsch, S., & Pickering, J. (2019). Voice and communication therapy for the transgender/gender diverse client: A comprehensive clinical guide (3rd ed.). San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing, Inc.

Hancock, A. B., & Siegfriedt, L. L. (2020). Transforming voice and communication with transgender and gender-diverse people: An evidenced-based process. San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing, Inc.

Verdolini, K. (2008). Lessac-Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy Clinician Manual. San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing.


  • Jordan Jakomin

    Jordan Jakomin (he/him) is a queer speech-language pathologist and gender-affirming voice coach. His entire business (@jordanrosscommunication) is dedicated to working with people who are trans, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming. He’s passionate about helping his clients feel empowered by creating a safe place where LGBTQIA+ youth and adults can find healing, connection, and self-exploration.

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