
How to Prepare for Your FFS Consultation

You have done loads of research and now it is time for some FFS consultations with your top choices in ffs clinics.  It has not been easy filtering through the myriad of websites, forums, support groups, social media and marketing to get to this point in your facial feminizaton journey.

Here are some tips on how to be prepared for these crucial medical interviews, so you don’t draw a blank on the day nor miss out clarifying any fundamental details about this very important life decision.

Prepare Questions for Your FFS Surgeon

Here are some general questions you may ask the FFS surgeon in consultation, or via other methods of communication, based on a list by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons to help get you started.

  • Which competent medical boards in the world certify you as a surgeon?
  • Were you trained specifically in the field of plastic, maxillofacial or craniofacial surgery?
  • How many years of facial surgery training have you had?
  • Are you an active member and participant on any committees of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health?
  • What training have you received or do you provide to learning surgeons in facial feminization surgery techniques?
  • Do you have access to hospital privileges in facial feminization?
  • Is your surgical facility accredited by an internationally recognized certification agency, such as the ISO in Europe?
  • Do you consider me a strong candidate to benefit from FFS Surgery?
  • What surgical techniques would be highly recommended for me?
  • What would I be required to do in order to obtain the best results?
  • How is the plan of procedures contemplated and later established?
  • In recovery, what plans should I make and how do you assist in this phase?
  • What is your aftercare support system?
  • What are the risks and complications associated with my procedure?
  • How are complications handled and is there any insurance to cover its occurrence?
  • What is the protocol in the event of my dissatisfaction or if the outcome varies greatly from the prediction of results?
  • Do you have ffs before and after photos that will help me have realistic expectations about what potential results may be reasonable for me?

Questions to ask prior to your consultation

  • The number of facial feminization patients they have operated on
  • The number of specific procedures performed and length of their career
  • If they have both patient and professional references as a gender-affirming specialist
  • What is their revision rate in facial feminization patients
  • What IS INCLUDED and what is NOT included in the services?
  • Are they involved in the TNBI community, provide patient education services or have any social responsibility projects?
  • Are they active in the scientific and academic area of their field, with frequent international collaborations alongside their peers in the field?

Prepare to Talk About Yourself &Your FFS Goals

The patient coordinator may ask for more information from you in advance, such as photos, what facial feature you are most interested in modifying or if you have any skull CT scans or virtual simulations already since the doctor will want to be as prepared as possible for your meeting.  Depending on the type of facial gender surgery consultation, you may expect to have to collaborate with, for example:

  • Information regarding your general health status, if there are existing health conditions or risk factors
  • An assessment of your facial bone structure as well as an evaluation of the skin quality
  • Photographs, 3D images and measurements
  • CT scans of the skull
  • An open discussion of your objectives and their relation to then realistic possibilities.
  • A two-way conversation about the initial recommendations of procedures, both essential and what might be considered “optional”.

Learn from the FFS Experience of Others

There are a few resources on this topic by surgeons and patients alike.  Seek updated information since the field of facial feminization surgery and patient care is evolving quickly as providers increase, grow and improve.

Here are a few links to discussions on the topic of consultations:

  • First, the blogger Franches of Hola Soy Yo has some very interesting viewpoints about her own facial gender surgery journey.
  • Reddit’s community r/asktransgender is a great place to read about others’ experiences or ask your own question to the community.
First FFS consultation on Friday – less obvious questions to ask
by u/PhoenixOlivia in asktransgender

After the facial gender consultation, now what to do (and to avoid)?

Now it’s time to process all the information you have discussed in the facial gender surgery consultations.  You will likely have more questions, so sending these enquiries to the centers you are considering is advisable.

Be sure to clarify everything and leave time for this as it is a process that is not to be rushed into or made solely based on word-of-mouth information.

In short, it’s essential to raise ALL the doubts which arise in your mind before moving forward with this important life decision. 

Ready to take the first step?

If you have read this article and you are definitely decided to go ahead and start your journey, book a free consultation now.

Our team of experts is ready to address any questions you may have during your first steps before FFS.


  • Author profile picture of Lilia Koss, transgender activist and public relations manager at Facialteam, a surgical clinic specialized in Facial Feminization Surgery

    Hello world! I’m Lilia Koss and I use she, her, and they pronouns. What are yours? With a background in humanities and diverse professional experiences, I have been working with the Facialteam founders and directors since 2008. Involved from the ground up, so I’ve had hands in many pots: patient coordination, orientation events on 3 continents, social media, written and audiovisual content about our gender-affirming healthcare...but now life is more defined. Lately, I focus my energies on Public Relations, community management and live streaming to help raise the visibility of trans health. Life is pretty complete.

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