Medical pigmentation for trans patients
New information is now more frequently released on the topic of gender identity and transition. Nevertheless, much of the healthcare research and literature remains focused on gender-affirming top and bottom surgery, social work, rights and hormone therapy.
Meanwhile, complementary services, such as microfeminization®, a type of medical pigmentation or restorative tattoo, are also being developed to both enhance surgical results and in some cases, provide a non-surgical alternative.
Medical pigmentation – with or without surgery
Lisa, a medical pigmentation specialist, opened Clinic Lefever to meet the demand of the trans community for a variety of non-surgical, feminising treatments that microfeminisation and restorative tattoo have to offer.
Stacie-Rae, a well-known expert in restoring realistic aureolas for both cancer-related mastectomies and other breast surgery complications, also began to receive requests from the trans community for a variety of facial and body corrective tattoo.
The traditional “cosmetic” services of PMU (permanent makeup) are distinct from medical pigmentation or restorative tattoo, just as Facial Gender Surgery is not aesthetic nor “elective” surgery. Neither are for vanity purposes. Medical pigmentation can either add refining touches to surgical results or offer the more subtle improvements when surgery is not indicated.
Trans people seek medical pigmentation to alleviate gender dysphoria by providing a boost to their self-confidence — which in turn enables them to more comfortably interact socially with normality. People in transition who commonly fear being misgendered, outed or even attacked in public may benefit from the techniques of medical pigmentation to enhance their chosen gender traits.
Applications of medical pigmentation for trans patients
As mentioned, the list grows as medical pigmentation and restorative tattoo discover new applications for people undergoing a gender transition as well as gender non-conforming individuals. Basically there are two areas: scar and blemish treatments and gender-affirming enhancements.
Scar corrections after facial feminization and other gender affirming surgery
- to hide hair transplant or scalp incision scars
- facial hair removal scars
- liplift and tracheal shave scars
- to camouflage blemishes etc.
Feminising and masculinisation
Enhancing gender traits:
- shape and tone of lips
- shape and density of eyebrows
- thicker eyelashes
Restoring a realistic appearance:
- Tattooing on skin graft after phalloplasty and vaginoplasty to ensure the realistic look of genitalia.
- Tattooing to correct recreate nipple after mastectomy and feminise nipples after breast augmentation
- to improve hairline shape and density after FFS Surgery
*Some of these services may require multiple sessions, while others are completed in weeks. All are performed according to safety & hygiene regulations and with full discretion for those concerned about confidentiality. A compassionate approach is also center to their practices.
“We give as much support possible to each and every client we have, making sure they’re well prepared and feel 100% confident with what we’re doing. Our work is linked to the person’s self-esteem. We are honored to take part in improving their ability to integrate in society.”
Lisa Lefever, founder of Clinic Lefever
About the experts in medical pigmentation
Lisa Lefever, founder of Clinic Lefever, coined the term MicroFeminization, pioneering the concept of non-surgical feminization. Clinic Lefever works in collaboration with Canadian medical tattoo specialist, Stacie-Rae Weir and now also provides trainings for new professionals in the field of medical pigmentation and restorative tattoo for trans clients.
Stacie-Rae Weir has 25 years experience in professional tattoo, innovating progressive applications and impacting the way the art of restorative tattooing is performed and taught. She is BRCA1+, the gene which marks a predisposition to breast cancer, leading her to have a preventative mastectomy– so speaks on the subject with passion and personal experience. Find her on Twitter – @nippletattoos