
Behind the scenes with Facialteam

This is Your Revelation Journey and you deserve the best in healthcare.

For this reason, we want to be our best for you. Just like people, Facialteam must also evolve.  

We go back to the drawing board over and over, analyzing every last detail. Why?  Because in order to implement breakthrough advancements in both FFS results and our care services, we must listen to our community, learn from experience and grow. 

We’re eager to continue the revolution in gender affirming surgery. Forming part of one of the most important decisions in your lifetime is a fact that does not escape us. 

So we are proud to now present our latest evolution, with the focus, as always, on providing the best experience in facial feminization surgery that you could ever imagine. 

Our Mission is multiple

We repeatedly ask ourselves, what is our reason for being?  

Not to just be of mere assistance on your transition journey. Our goal is to work with you to determine, first if FFS Surgery is indeed indicated and second, the optimal plan and path to take.  

Yet, how can we improve this? Without ever losing sight of our mission, vision and values.

The mission is like our telescope to see far and wide.  

Thinking long term brings together multiple facets which are inseparable from our vision and values. They involve combining science, premium technology and harnessing our human resources to spearhead the perpetual discovery of improved and non-intrusive techniques. 

These translate, ultimately, into what is best for YOU. New developments in the field of Facial Gender techniques and care services are fundamental in making your revelation journey the best experience you have ever imagined. 

But we don’t stop there.

An Inseparable Vision

Our vision is closely tied to the master objective, as it must be. It is the “how” behind our reason for existing and we have lately put it under a microscope.

For example, reaching our goals in gender affirming surgery requires analyzing both results and patient feedback. Maximum satisfaction is the culmination of cross-checking the data that permits us to confirm the right path towards excellence. 

The Facialteam vision is and always has been to consistently provide top quality techniques and care. Because equality is important in healthcare too.

Which is why we want to highlight the core values of Facialteam.

Ethics & Values

We’ve described the macro and micro perspectives which are imbued in everything we do. They guide us on what the priorities are and how our work should be carried out.

However, now let’s break these down to single concepts. Our team is anchored to certain values that inform the “why” behind our actions.

Empowerment & Social Responsibility 

Our responsibility to society, as a surgical group, is not only to investigate and offer the best techniques in facial feminization surgery. We also aim to be allies and want to amplify your voices, taking advantage of our platform to visibilize the most important issues for the community.

This includes advocating for social responsibility programs as a means to raise awareness and normalize trans healthcare as a human right. We hope to empower our patients, not just to exist in peace, but also to be the central voice in the global debate on all things trans.


Empathy. Nothing would be possible without first listening to you. This means having direct conversations, learning your history and imagining what a day in your shoes is like. 

Our dedication is reflected by the care and respect we devote to each patient, anchored to values of respect and inclusivity.

We may never say we completely understand your point of view, but we can do our best to try. For us, it is part of our job to think about your worries, desires and other needs, especially those you are not even yet aware of when it comes to healthcare. 

Being a good ally begins with asking questions from the heart and learning from a diversity of replies.


With this value, we make reference to how important transparency in predictable and safe outcomes is to us. Reliability is synonymous with:

  • Trust [in our team] 
  • Respect [for what we do] 
  • Truth [via our research], 
  • Precision [in our results] 
  • Security & Safety [with our techniques and protocols], 
  • Confidence [in what we achieve] 

Reliability is a fundamental aspect of our promise. We value our patients’ identities. Therefore our work is precise and focused on achieving a natural result.

Ambition & Expertise

If Facialteam were a person, what personality would you say it has? 

In our opinion, our identity wouldn’t be complete without ambition and expertise. Or we could say, the ambition to hone our expertise.  

Our passion for innovation fuels the daily research we develop, focused on the expansion of our knowledge and aiming at being the best at what we do. Years of research have allowed us to grow the expertise that lies at the base of our daily actions. We ground our work on the deep knowledge and vast experience for which we have earned international recognition.

We acknowledge your personal experiences are embedded with a sense of journey, a pursuit of dreams and wishes that finally approach reality when you reach out to us.  

So an ambition to be experts in facial feminization is the least we can do for you.

In conclusion, we welcome your comments, and promise to take them into account.

We are Facialteam, edition 2022. The expert colleague on your revelation journey.


  • Author profile picture of Lilia Koss, transgender activist and public relations manager at Facialteam, a surgical clinic specialized in Facial Feminization Surgery

    Hello world! I’m Lilia Koss and I use she, her, and they pronouns. What are yours? With a background in humanities and diverse professional experiences, I have been working with the Facialteam founders and directors since 2008. Involved from the ground up, so I’ve had hands in many pots: patient coordination, orientation events on 3 continents, social media, written and audiovisual content about our gender-affirming healthcare...but now life is more defined. Lately, I focus my energies on Public Relations, community management and live streaming to help raise the visibility of trans health. Life is pretty complete.

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