Facialteam FFS Results

Facialteam FFS patient, showing the results of her FFS Surgery

Making informed decisions regarding a medical transition can be challenging. Before and after facial feminization surgery photos can help when considering the best alternatives for you. Details such as the quantity of cases, quality of the collages and consistent transparency in the comparisons can be helpful so patients may get a realistic idea of what is possible–and not.  

We are privileged to count on so many Facialteam patients who are happy to share their facial feminization surgery results with you here. However, we must recognize that visibility is a double-edged sword unfortunately, given that openly trans people are more vulnerable to hate crimes and discrimination. 

No number of words can express our appreciation to all of the contributors of this before and after FFS gallery. Thanks to your generous act of solidarity, others who are still finding their way along the FFS journey will know they are not alone.

see gallery

Before and After results of real FFS patients

Our gallery intends to display the realistic potential of facial gender surgery with utmost accuracy. For this reason, we only use facial feminization before and after results of patients that had surgery at Facialteam. 

We do not digitally alter or artificially overexpose our clinical photos. In addition, we believe it is important to avoid images with excess makeup or filters that may distort actual results. Minor edits that do not affect the depiction of results may have been made at the patient’s discretion in the “social photos” they have provided.

Diversity in our FFS before and after gallery

We are committed to a diverse representation of people of different ages, ethnicities and nationalities in this gallery of FFS outcomes.  

Some cases may seem to have more dramatic results and others look more subtle. This is highly dependent on the viewer’s perception and does not necessarily correlate with the level of “aggressiveness” of the techniques performed.

In addition, we have not given preference to faces based on beauty or popularity, which are subjective in any case.


check out our gallery

Square frontal image of FFS patient Monica showing the results before and after facial feminization surgery with Facialteam consisting of forehead, tracheal shave feminization surgery.
Square frontal image of FFS patient Lise Marie showing the results before and after facial feminization surgery with Facialteam consisting of forehead, rhinoplasty, tracheal shave feminization surgery.
Square frontal image of FFS patient Jacqueline G showing the results before and after facial feminization surgery with Facialteam consisting of forehead, jaw and chin, lip feminization surgery.
Square frontal image of FFS patient Harriet showing the results before and after facial feminization surgery with Facialteam consisting of forehead, jaw and chin, rhinoplasty feminization surgery.

Facial Feminization Testimonials

Facial feminization surgery reviews are rarely able to fully convey the magnitude of the profoundly positive impact FFS has on their lives. In hundreds of videos, we try to capture the essence behind how facial gender surgery has changed and even saved lives. But it’s hard to put into words.

In these FFS patient testimonials, you can hear first-hand the unique stories about the effect of facial gender confirmation surgery. The interviews show real emotion and speak of so many personal challenges. 

Your satisfaction with Facialteam’s FFS results is a valuable indicator that we are doing a good job. The best sign of success we could ever be rewarded is here, in these stories of happiness.


read our patient’s stories

Facialteam FFS patient Charlie Martin during a talk about her experience with Facialteam.
Facialteam patient Charlie Martin at the racetracks being interviewed for her facial feminization surgery testimonial

Book a Consultation

Faces make our first impression to the world, but more important is how our facial gender influences our own self-confidence. The non-verbal communication a face transmits is worth a thousand words. Yet there are many more reasons why people of all genders opt for facial feminization surgery. 

It’s never too soon or too late to talk with our leading experts in order to understand how FFS may complement your gender identity perception. If you are already on the transition path or just exploring options, our professionals will help you set the benchmarks in order to make the best decision for you. Click below for a free consultation:


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What happens in an FFS consultation?

First, we determine if the surgical option is appropriate for you. Not everyone benefits from facial gender-confirming surgery (FGCS). Secondly, we discuss with you what is essential and what is considered optional in your case.

If FGCS seems right for you, take the opportunity to ask our expert surgeons about any step in the process of facial feminization: how to get started on your journey, aftercare and recovery stages, post-surgical evolution, and any reservations you may have. 

Our FFS surgeons can explain the fine details of the facial gender techniques recommended to modify your bone structure into more feminine parameters. Book a consultation and let us provide guidance so you may make informed decisions based on clear expectations of the results and facial feminization care you deserve.

Facialteam coordinator on the phone booking a consultation for a facial feminization surgery

Virtual FFS

Our FFS case analysis in Marbella includes a “FFS before and after” photographic simulation that gives you an idea of potential results.

What’s the benefit of Virtual FFS?

Virtual FFS allows you to theoretically compare the impact of a single or set of attributes. 

The before and after projections are one tool in assessing which techniques are the most and least effective at minimizing masculine traits. In addition, the Virtual FFS is a visual aid in establishing attainable objectives as well as realistic expectations of results.

Note: These digitally edited photos illustrate the approximate effect of the procedures, although actual FFS results will vary. 

How do I get a Virtual FFS?

In Marbella, the VFFS, 3D CT scans, clinical photo evaluation and round-trip airport transfer all form part of our FFS consultation service, at no cost.

Before your face-to-face consultation, a coordinator takes clinical photos in our professional photo studio. A highly trained and experienced digital artist then performs the Virtual FFS manually with these photos. 

A “rough draft” of the feminization pictures is usually created in real-time so you may view and discuss them directly with the surgeon at the end of the consultation. Occasionally, this may not be possible, in which case the virtual images are sent via email.  

Request a FFS consultation in Marbella

facialteam virtual ffs artist working on a digital simulation of facial feminization surgery
Woman showing before and after with Virtual FFS