Frequently Asked Questions

What are the painful bumps on my forehead after forehead surgery?

It is completely normal to have discomfort after a forehead surgery during the first months after the surgery. It is also normal that this discomfort is uneven, sometimes more on one side than the other.

If pain is localized it can be because of the Endotines, which are small and resorbable devices to keep the skin flap in place after surgery. They will begin to reabsorb after 6 months from the surgery and could last until 15 to 18 months. It is completely normal to feel some
swelling and small discomfort above these devices, which can be felt as small lumps on the scalp. You do not have anything to worry about.

In the very rare case that the discomfort persists or has worsened after 15 months, we can activate the dissolution protocol with lidocaine infiltrations.