
Brow Bone Reduction Surgery: How to Make My Forehead More Feminine

Also known as Forehead Contouring or Forehead Feminization, this procedure helps reduce the prominence of the brow bone resulting from the effects of testosterone during puberty, with the goal of sculpting a softer and more stereotypically feminine appearance. Many trans women consider this procedure key to aligning their physical appearance with their gender identity, not only enhancing their natural beauty but also providing them with emotional well-being.

Why is my Brow Bone so big?

It’s important to understand that the size of the brow bone, or supraorbital ridge, can vary between genders due to the effect of hormones during puberty. Generally, male skulls tend to have a more pronounced brow ridge, while female skulls have a smoother, flatter forehead. It’s worth noting that this distinction is just one of many facial features that contribute to gender perception.

How is a Male Forehead different from a Female Forehead?

The differences between a masculine forehead and a feminine forehead are sometimes subtle yet distinctive, shaped by both genetic and hormonal factors. These can be seen in several key areas.

One of the most noticeable distinctions is as mentioned before, the brow ridge or supraorbital ridge. In stereotypically “masculine” foreheads, this area tends to be more pronounced, creating a more angular and prominent brow line. In contrast, stereotypically feminine foreheads usually have a less pronounced brow ridge, resulting in a smoother and more gently curved brow line.

The curve of the forehead also varies between these stereotypes. Masculine foreheads often have a more vertical slope or are more angular, giving a more tough appearance. Feminine foreheads, on the other hand, tend to be more rounded or gently sloping, contributing to a softer and more delicate look.


The hairline is another area where differences can be noticed. Men’s hairlines often recede more, leading to a higher forehead. The shape of a masculine hairline can be more angular or M-shaped. In contrast, women’s hairlines are stereotypically lower and more rounded, maintaining a smooth curve without significant recession.

In terms of overall shape, “masculine” foreheads are typically broader and higher, making a more robust and pronounced facial structure in men. Conversely, “feminine” foreheads tend to be smaller and vertically shorter, which complements the generally softer features of a female face.

Bone structure also plays a crucial role in distinguishing masculine and feminine foreheads. Men usually have thicker and denser frontal bones, which provide greater definition to areas like the glabella—the smooth area between the eyebrows. This results in a more prominent and defined look. Women, however, have thinner and less dense frontal bones, and their glabella is less pronounced, leading to a more continuous and smooth forehead surface.

While these traits provide a general guideline, it’s essential to recognize that individual variations exist, and these features alone do not define gender. The distinctions in foreheads are part of a broader spectrum of physical diversity observed in humans.

How can I Feminize my Forehead?

Forehead Feminization Surgery, also called Forehead Reduction Surgery or Forehead Recontouring, is the procedure that reshapes the forehead to make it look more feminine. This delicate procedure involves techniques like bone reshaping and contouring to create a softer, more feminine appearance.

Our unique FOREContour® technique is designed for people of all gender identities who want to transform their forehead and create a more harmonious look. 
The process starts with a thorough inspection with a 3D CT Scan to understand your unique facial structure. Our experts then create a personalized surgical plan, sometimes even having your skull 3D printed to work on it prior to surgery, using 3D-printed guides to guarantee precision during the surgery. The initial steps include making an incision, removing a small strip of scalp, and carefully accessing the forehead area.

Then, we start the sculpting and remodeling process with great care and attention to detail. With the expertise of two skilled surgeons and a caring nurse, we begin shaping your forehead to a version of yourself prior to puberty. Always considering your unique features, your overall look, and, most importantly, your personal goals.

For those who have requested a hairline feminization, we take hair follicles from the removed scalp strip and strategically place them to create a natural and fuller hairline. This ensures that your new forehead and hairline look cohesive and beautiful.

Our FOREContour® 3D video that shows how the technique is done

You’ll likely notice the changes almost immediately after surgery, but it’s important to remember that the final results will continue to improve over the next year. Most of our patients find that their new forehead looks natural and blends seamlessly with the rest of their face.

Now, recovery is a gradual process. You’ll spend a night or two in the hospital to ensure everything is going well. Swelling and bruising will go down in a few weeks, our team will always be there to support you every step of the way. We offer follow-up consultations to make sure you’re healing well and feeling good about your results.

Facialteam’s Research & Education department was born from a vision to enhance trans healthcare for people of all gender identities, at a time when Facial Feminization Surgery was often misconceived and underestimated.

For thirty years, the field saw minimal progress. In response, our team, working alongside international gender surgeons, introduced the term “Facial Gender Confirmation Surgery” in two significant 2017 publications. This was a pivotal step in promoting a more inclusive understanding of gender surgeries within the medical community.

Since then, Facial Gender Surgery has seen fast advancements. Alongside these developments, our team has continually expanded its expertise and deepened its commitment to research and education, striving to provide the best possible care for our patients.

Our innovative FOREContour® method, is the result of years of dedicated research and hands-on clinical experience. Building on the techniques we first developed in 2010, we’ve integrated new technologies to tailor each procedure to the unique anatomy of every individual.

Being supported by numerous scientific articles and reflecting our unwavering commitment to advancing the field of upper facial feminization surgery since 2008. These publications document our journey and dedication to providing the best possible care for our patients.

Best Paper Award & Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal logos

Facial Feminization Surgery: The Forehead. Surgical Techniques and Analysis of Results

Luis Capitán, Daniel Simon, Kai Kaye, Thiago Tenório
This article describes the main surgical techniques used in feminization of the forehead complex, sequences the different steps in forehead reconstruction, evaluates results obtained using cephalometric analysis, and includes the level of patient satisfaction.
Logo of PRS, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

Facial Feminization Surgery: Simultaneous Hair Transplant during Forehead Reconstruction

Luis Capitán, Daniel Simon, Teresa Meyer, Antonio Alcaide, Alan Wells, Carlos Bailón, Raúl J Bellinga, Thiago Tenório, Fermín Capitán-Cañadas
After the forehead, the hairline pattern is the second most important feature of gender identification within the upper third of the face. This article describes a new surgical sequence in which reconstruction of the frontonasoorbital complex and redefinition of the hairline by means of an autologous hair transplant are carried out during the same operation.
International Journal Of Transgender Health logo

Facial gender confirmation surgery—review of the literature and recommendations for Version 8 of the WPATH Standards of Care

Jens U Berli, Luis Capitán, Daniel Simon, Rachel Bluebond-Langner, Eric Plemons, Shane D Morrison
Based on new studies, increasing evidence points to the need to include FGCS among medically necessary gender-confirming surgeries, though more-prospective studies are needed. Updates to the WPATH SOC 8 are proposed based on available quality of life studies.
Logo of PRS, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

Facial Gender Confirmation Surgery: A Protocol for Diagnosis, Surgical Planning, and Postoperative Management

Luis Capitán, Javier Gutiérrez Santamaría, Daniel Simon, Devin Coon, Carlos Bailón, Raúl J Bellinga, Thiago Tenório, Fermín Capitán-Cañadas
During the past 10 years, academic publications that address facial feminization surgery have largely examined the technical aspects of the different surgical procedures involved and clinical evaluations of postoperative results. This Special Topic article focuses on aspects that are underdeveloped to date but useful with regard to taking the correct therapeutic approach to transgender patients who are candidates for facial gender confirmation surgery.
Logo of PRS, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

Masking Gender: The Impact of Facial Coverings on Gender Recognition

Daniel Simon, Luis Capitán, Shanique A Martin, Rahim Nazerali, Thomas Satterwhite, Shane D Morrison, Fermín Capitán-Cañadas
Video conferences and masking have increased focus on the upper facial third. In the transgender community, this increased focus on the face could have substantial effects on facial gender recognition, leading to exacerbation of facial gender dysphoria.
Logo of PRS, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

Prospective Quality of Life Outcomes after Facial Gender Affirmation Surgery: An International Multicenter Study

Shane D Morrison, Fermín Capitán-Cañadas, Anabel Sánchez-García, David C Ludwig, Jonathan P Massie, Ian T Nolan, Marco Swanson, Marina Rodríguez-Conesa, Jeffrey B Friedrich, Paul S Cederna, Raúl J Bellinga, Daniel Simon, Luis Capitán, Thomas Satterwhite
No data exist on the prospective outcomes of facial feminization surgery. This study set out to determine the effects of facial feminization surgery on quality-of-life outcomes for gender-diverse patients.
Aesthetic Surgery Journal logo

Social Perception of Facial Feminization Surgery Outcomes: Does Gender Identity Alter Gaze?

Shanique A Martin, Shane D Morrison, Viren Patel, Fermín Capitán-Cañadas, Anabel Sánchez-García, Marina Rodríguez-Conesa, Raúl J Bellinga, Daniel Simon, Luis Capitán, Thomas Satterwhite, Rahim Nazerali
The evaluation of gender-affirming facial feminization surgery (FFS) outcomes can be highly subjective, which has resulted in a limited understanding of the social perception of favorable gender and aesthetic facial appearance following FFS. Eye-tracking technology has introduced an objective measure of viewer subconscious gaze.
The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery logo

The Upper Third in Facial Gender Confirmation Surgery: Forehead and Hairline

Luis Capitán, Daniel Simon, Carlos Bailón, Raúl J Bellinga, Javier Gutiérrez-Santamaría, Thiago Tenório, Fermín Capitán-Cañadas
Surgical modification of the frontonasoorbital complex is reliable and predictable, and also delivers satisfactory results that are stable over time. A prototypical male hairline has an M-shaped pattern compared to the more rounded shape often seen in female hairlines.

What are the risks of having Forehead Feminization Surgery?

At Facialteam, we are proud to report that our technique FOREContour® has a very low complication rate of less than 1%, with our average revision rate for Forehead Feminization Surgery at just 0.84%.

While any surgical procedure under general anesthesia carries potential risks, the most common minor complications include swelling and bleeding. Some patients may also experience temporary numbness that gradually improves over time.
In case some major complications occur, these are typically identified within days after surgery. To provide peace of mind, we offer comprehensive medical insurance coverage, ensuring that any unforeseen medical needs related to the forehead surgery are fully addressed.

But don’t worry, our Reintervention rate for Forehead Reconstruction by Coronal Approach is just 1.37%, reflecting the expertise and care offered at Facialteam.

What can be achieved with a Forehead Feminization Surgery?

You will see results almost immediately after surgery. However, you have to keep in mind that soft tissues will continue to improve over the course of the following year.

The goal of this technique is to create a more feminine and harmonious appearance in the upper third of the face, achieve a smooth forehead-to-nose transition, and give a more open and expressive eye area. 
Sometimes, combining Blepharoplasty with our FOREContour® procedure is highly recommended, enhancing overall facial harmony.

How do I know if I need Forehead Feminization Surgery?

There might be cases where you don’t think you need Forehead Feminization because your brow bone isn’t very prominent. Perhaps you feel another procedure should take priority, or maybe you’re focusing too much on just one feature of your face.

I’ve met several pre-op patients whom I initially thought might not need this procedure. However, after meeting them post-op, I realized that subtle changes are often crucial for gender identificators.

Daniela R

Age 32
Country Spain


Age 25
Country Spain

We often overlook the overall harmony of our face when evaluating which features we think need to change; we simply focus on the feature that bothers us the most. This is where a Facial Feminization Expert can assist.

The harmonization of key features on your appearance will always have more impact than modifying a single feature.

I’m still scared of having Forehead Feminization Surgery: What should I do?

Forehead Feminization Surgery offers a life-changing experience for trans women, providing both a confidence boost and a sense of inner peace. By understanding the procedure, knowing the potential risks, and comprehending the recovery process, you can make an informed decision.

So, if you are hesitating on whether to have the surgery or not because of fears or concerns, simply don’t stress out – When in good hands, it’s a completely safe experience.

Nowadays, an expert in the field will always provide you with, not only spectacular results but a warm and heartfelt experience that you will never forget.

Lots of love, Vicky xx

Let us answer your questions

If you have read this article but still need some extra information regarding our FOREContour® technique or brow bone feminization surgery, book a free consultation now.

Our team of experts is ready to address any questions you may have regarding these.


  • Author profile picture of Facialteam Social Media Specialist and Content Creator Victoria Vera

    Hi! I'm Victoria Vera, social media specialist and content creator at Facialteam. My journey took an exciting turn when I got the chance to be part of Facialteam – a life-changing experience! From the first minute, I've been warmly supported and encouraged by the team. I'm especially fulfilled to be able to contribute to the trans and LGBTQA+ community with our work. I look forward to meeting you soon! Let's stay connected on Facialteam's social media!

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